Riegelsville Public Library

Riegelsville Memorabilia for Sale at the Library
Library Ornament $ 5
Riegelsville People, Places and Events by Arthur Osborn $22
Riegelsville, PA: its buildings and early inhabitants by Kathleen Cook $15
In Cooks Creek Country $ 2
Rivertown CD $20
Miles of Mules $15
Riegelsville Historic Calendar $ 2
Williams Township Historical Society Items:
The 1863 Diary of Beates R. Swift $10
The Civil War: A Northampton County Perspective by James Wright $10
Hexenkopf History, Healing & Hexerei by Ned Heindel $20
Make a Tax Deductible Donation
The Riegelsville Public Library is funded by contributions from Riegelsville Borough, Durham Township, the Pennsylvania State Library, and by individual contributions made by you . The library gratefully accepts financial donations of any amount. Cash, all major credit cards, and checks are welcome; please make checks payable to the Riegelsville Public Library.
The Library is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent of the law; please contact your financial advisor for details.
Support the Library While You Search the Web and Shop Online!
GoodSearch lets you surf the Internet and donate money to charity at the same time! Just specify Riegelsville Public Library as your chosen charity. The library receives a donation for almost every web search done on GoodSearch (powered by Yahoo!) and every purchase from GoodShop, which includes thousands of your favorite online stores. It's easy - and best of all - free!
Shopping Redner's Warehouse Market? Save your tapes!
Use your Redner's Save-a-Tape card - available at Redner's Customer Service desk - every time you shop. Turn in your shopping receipts at the library. Redner's will return a 1% rebate to the library on the total receipts. Remember, you must use the Save-a-Tape card for receipts to be eligible!
Make a Donation of Your Time & Talents
The Riegelsville Public Library has a small paid staff and a large group of dedicated volunteers. Volunteers may contribute time weekly assisting with tasks within the Library or may work with one of our fundraising activities. Additional ways to volunteer include leading a special program, such as providing music for story time, or assisting with a special project, such as small painting and repair projects. Volunteer hours are also available for students who need them for school requirements. If you would like to volunteer, please speak to a librarian.

Riegelsville Public Library
P.O. Box 65
Riegelsville, PA 18077
ANNUAL LETTER (click to enlarge):